We’re here to help those affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus). We encourage cdcb mortgage clients who may be impacted by COVID-19 or need assistance with making their loan payments to contact us at (956) 541-4955. Qualifying customers needing assistance may be eligible for payment relief for up to 3 months by completing a Forbearance Application available HERE. Your financial needs are our priority and we stand ready to support you.
Estamos aquí para ayudar a los afectados por COVID-19 (coronavirus). Invitamos a los clientes hipotecarios de cdcb que puedan verse afectados por COVID-19 o que necesiten asistencia para realizar los pagos de sus préstamos a contactarnos al (956) 541-4955. Los clientes que califiquen y necesiten asistencia pueden ser elegibles para el alivio del pago por hasta 3 meses al llenar una Aplicación de Forbearance disponible AQUI. Sus necesidades financieras son nuestra prioridad y estamos listos para apoyarlo.
Founded in 1995, the Rio Grande Valley MultiBank (RGVMB) is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) certified by the United States Department of Treasury.
Our mission is to provide financial products and development services to the RGV, particularly in the area of affordable housing and consumer lending.
We are proud to provide the affordable, risk-free alternative to payday and car title loans through our subsidiary The Community Loan Center of the Rio Grande Valley.
The RGVMB is a for-profit, stockholder-held organization owned by twelve (12) banks and organizations: Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BBVA, Frost Bank, International Bank of Commerce– Brownsville, IBC– McAllen, IBC– Zapata, National Cooperative Bank, Lone Star National Bank, Falcon Bank, cdcb-come dream. come build and the Cameron County Housing Finance Corp. All earnings are reinvested into programming for expansion and lending capital.
Demand and Growth, the two strongest reasons for the work of the Rio Grande Valley MultiBank (RGVMB).
The RGVMB's target market is the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas (RGV). The RGV is one of the poorest and fastest-growing regions in the United States. The RGVMB's target population is the growing, low-to-moderate income Latino population.
The RGVMB believes that every hard-working family trying to make an honest living in our area should be given the opportunity to prosper, build assets and become financially secure.
We help families reach these goals by providing financial products and services that address their needs for homeownership, safe and secure rental properties, and lower-cost personal loans through employers.
RGVMB will not be able to touch the lives of everyone in the Rio Grande Valley, but we will have a meaningful impact on those lives that we do touch.
Copyright © 2018 RGV MultiBank - All Rights Reserved.